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Empanel with us

Expression of Interest for Empanelment of
Technical Agencies under SFURTI Scheme/Programme

About the Organisation

The Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC) specializes in promotion of MSMEs through cluster and value chain led development. FMC was promoted as a Registered Trust by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad with the technical support of a then UNIDO Cluster Development Programme, in June 2005. In India, FMC has worked/working with around 200 MSME clusters, done/got done studies/research in another 150 MSME clusters and worked with 250 Business Membership Organizations (BMOs). FMC and its experts have also provided training, handholding and research on cluster development in 16 other countries across the globe.

Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)

SFURTI is an innovative Cluster Development Programme of Ministry of MSME, GOI which has entrusted Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC) as the nodal agency for the implementation of the  said programme.

  • To organize the traditional and artisans into clusters to make them competitive and provide support for their long-term sustainability and economy of scale

  • To provide sustained employment for traditional industry artisans and rural entrepreneurs

  • To equip traditional artisans of associated clusters with improved skills and capabilities through and exposure visits


  • To look for setting up of multi-product cluster with integrated value chain and strong market driven approach for viability and long term sustainability of cluster

  • To ensure convergence from design stage with each activity of cluster formation and operations thereof

Technical Agency (TA)

Established national level institutions, with proven expertise in artisanal and small enterprise cluster development shall be engaged as technical agencies to provide and implementation support of the SFURTI clusters.


Role & Responsibilities of TA

  • Sensitization and awareness generation in clusters about the scheme

  • Identification of potential IAs

  • Assisting the identifying IA establishment in structuring the project specific SPV

  • Assist the NAs/SSC in examining the proposals for approval

  • To assist the IA/SPV in engagement of Business  Development Services (BDS) providers,  out sourcing/improving tools and equipment, developing strategies & best  practices  for credit linkage as far as possible

  • Assist the NA for seeking and obtaining approval from state govt./UTs before submission of DPR to SSC for final approval

  • TA shall create appropriate system for online reporting of progress reports to NDAL Agency and to Ministry of MSME on monthly and quarterly basis

  • Empaneled TAs are permitted to identify suitable IA

  • TA shall have to act diligently to ensure compliance to all rules & regulations, as required for proposals at DPR stage in order to obtain final approval from SSC


Eligibility Criteria


TA should be recognized and professionally managed national/state level institution of repute with affiliation of state/central govt. like IITs, KVIC etc. or private/public body having required capacity  and competency to act as technical agency for cluster development programme


Such private or public organizations executing similar kind of work at state level coverage and other states have experience in cluster development programme/rural development programme besides fulfilling the following:


  • TA should have at least 3 years minimum experience of cluster development programme or similar activities concerningvillage industries/rural/small scale/ cottage industries

  • TA should indicate available regular manpower who have technical expertise and competence to get associated in cluster development programme

  • In addition to above, TA should indicate the available manpower, infrastructure for conducting trainings, awareness programme for stake holders of clusters, and have its capacities in executing all the above functions on annual basis

  • TA should have expertise in preparation of DSR and DPR


  • TA should have through knowledge of establishment and structuring of SPVs during initial period of commencement of cluster programme

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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© 2024 by Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC)

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